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Our Mission 


I am delighted to share with you what I have groomed and harvested for the past 25 years as a spiritual seeker of Native Peruvian Spirituality. I considered this knowledge to be of extreme value as it provides any person that travels with us a solid ground for a wonderful journey. In the '60s people traveled to India and Kathmandu to find themselves and connect spiritually with the energies of these lands. As time changed and with the 2012 shift, now this precious awakening energy, - the Feminine Energy of Mother Earth Pachamama - is pouring out in the Highlands of Peru. Peru has become the new destination for spiritual seekers.

Dear Spiritual Traveler:


At Perú Sacred Tours we have done all the homework for you, so you can experience these energies without having to worry about the integrity of the people that one will encounter by embarking in a so called "Surrendering to the Universe" kind of travelling. We are proud and honored at Perú Sacred Tours to provide and share with you Safety, Sacredness and Peaceful accommodations so you can surely "Surrender to the Universe" and have a Magical Experience, avoiding in this way any unpleasant situations.

Machu Picchu window


Our foremost priority is to keep each and everyone of the group travelers safe. We acknowledge that traveling in the Rainforest and Andes of Perú has its risks especially when weather conditions are challenging and demanding.


Peru Sacred Tours has a team of professional tour guides and excellent skilled drivers that when challenged to make quick decisions due to risk factors the safety of all travelers comes first.


We make our priority to offer a safe environment where travelers can feel nurtured and taken care off. Once this safety container is in place then participants relax into exploring the magic that our Tours have to offer.


Through many years of experience, we have discovered that the most suitable accommodation for an experiential mystical journey is a Retreat Center. The Retreat Centers we work with are very private and safe. They are nested around magnificent landscapes that reflect back mysticism and quietness.  Great expanded areas for retreating, walking, meditating or just process and integrate the ceremonies received. Accommodations are usually double occupancy, but single occupancy is also available. Our centers are owned by well-respected shamans. They have been designed and built with the intention to provide a safe haven for individuals interested in expanding and advancing spiritually. Relax, Reconnect and find Inner Peace.


Our Company has over 25 years of experience working with Native Healers and Curanderos from many different locations around Perú. Our Shamans - 'Curanderos' hold the highest levels of integrity and standards, and honor all individuals that come with an open heart to commune with them in Sacred Ceremony.


Our 'Curanderos' only work in 'sacredness' and individuals can only participate in ceremonies when they come with humility, love, and respect for the Medicines that are offered: Mother Ayahuasca, San Pedro or the energy work of the Q'eros. All medicine plant ingredients are carefully handpicked, cooked and prepared in prayer and in ultimate sacredness.



Uniquiness  *  Safety  *  Deep Inner Growth

Being Cautious

We are aware of the great interest that people are having in experiencing the Ayahuasca medicine from the rainforest. In the last 10 years, due to overexposure of the media and the internet, Ayahuasca has become very commercialized, jeopardizing the integrity and quality in the preparation of the medicine. We have noticed that the medicine is being sold at many local markets where merchants are adding extra plants and additives to make the Medicine more potent. Due to these practices and competition, and because this sacred plant has been removed out of the ceremonial and sacred context new risks have resulted


The 'Curanderos' we work with have very high standards. For them, the Spiritual aspect of this medicine can not be dismissed to just create another social drug to be experienced. Ayahuasca is sacred, has to be prepared in sacredness and offered within a special code of ethics and diet. 


Perú Sacred Tours is very proud to work in sacredness and alignment with the Spirit of  Ayahuasca and San Pedro. We provide the right platform for people to have a safe and magical journey experience.

 PERU SACRED TOURS   USA                                            North Sandwich, NH 03259                     

Office: 506-523-3305                           

 WhatsApp: Pierre Garreaud: 506-523-3305                      


© 2018 by Pierre Garreaud Workshop & Tours. 


Posada del Sol Calle Intipunku #106  San Sebastian,


Office: 984-679-168

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